Trade Soulbound Items Wow Hack
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Binds when picked up. • Bind of Equip - as the name suggest, those items bind to the character only when they are equipped. You can carry them in your inventory, trade them, auction them, but only as long as you haven't equipped them. Obviously binds when equipped. There are also items that bind when used - but they are mostly fun items, pets and whatnot - nothing truly significant to the game.
02:02 AMPosted by I think items should be account wide now. If i have a level 60 sword on a druid i cant use it, but maybe my DK would want it. I should have the choice to transfer it. Possibly a vendor in game who will 'port' through the nether to another character for a price. It's too bad. Other MMO's let the player give alts gear, either via email OR a shared bank (only if the item is not equipped by a toon first). Food for thought.

I've always thought the reason boss drops are BOP is because the toons that were there and helped kill the boss deserve the item more than some alt who didn't take part in the kill. If players could send these items to their alts, they'd be less likely to trade them to others in the group. 03:49 PMPosted by so i got xaril's hood of intoxicating vapors on my rogue and it's soulbound to her but i want to add it as a transmog for a warlock but i cant send it to any of my cloth users does that mean i have to grind for it again on a warlock,mage or priest just to add it as a transmogIt is not able to be transmogged for your warlock because rogues don't wear leather and it is a cloth item. If it dropped for a cloth wearing class you could then transmog it for any of your cloth alts. This goes for everything unless it is part of a class set.
Note that you can have soulbound items modified by other characters by putting the item in the bottom ('Will Not Be Traded') spot of the trade window. You can have a blacksmith attach spurs to a soulbound boot, or an enchanter apply an enchantment to a soulbound item this way. The only way to dispose of one is to either sell it to. World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. More Competitions. Blizzard Arena. Forums General Discussion How can I Trade SOULBOUND Items. Similar Threads: trade soulbound anyone know of a way to trade soulbound items on neverendless wow (3.0.9) 1 Replies - WoW Main - Discussions / Questions.
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Other MMO's let the player give alts gear, either via email OR a shared bank (only if the item is not equipped by a toon first). Food for thought. American gods neil gaiman amazon. It would be a good way for a main to give a 'leg-up' to an alt. There are usually restrictions. 02:02 AMPosted by I think items should be account wide now. If i have a level 60 sword on a druid i cant use it, but maybe my DK would want it. I should have the choice to transfer it.
Trade Soulbound Items Wow Hacks
Yesterday however, I became quite bothered upon realizing my soon-to-be-obtained Fractal back piece has a cool graphic I would like to use.on the same character with the Flame Book. 'Boy, it sure would be nice if I could use these darn Mad King back pieces on DIFFERENT characters, stupid Soulbinding.' So I asked around, and was nicely informed (thanks Aggro) that you could transfer Soulbound skins to Alts with a very simple method: You take your Soulbound item, and you Transmute it with a White quality item of the same type.
This threw me when I started playing as well - Soulbound sounds rather exciting! The reality is rather more mundane. If an item is soulbound, it simply means you can't give it (mail, trade, sell.) to anyone else. All you can do with soulbound items is use them or sell them to a vendor. Items come with a variety of different 'ratings': Bind on Pickup (BoP) - as soon as you pick these up, they become soulbound. Bind on Equip (BoE) - you can pick these up (have them in your inventory) without making them soulbound.
How To Transfer Soulbound Items
After u puted all the items u needed to trade just tell him to accept. After he did it tell him to write.refresh OR tell him to relog.
The other person shouldn't hit trade yet. Open the bad and put your items you want to trade to the other person into the bag.
Quote: @Feb 21 2006, 06:55 Post* clearer directions. You can't trade a bag that is in a slot in any slot other than the 'DO NOT TRADE. MODIFY' slot ofc u can. Lets say i make a mooncloth bag, u buy it from me, we open up trade windows, i trade it just like any other tradeable item! What derelicte meant was that you can't trade a bag when it's in your bag-bar. When you have a bag in your bag-bar (does this sound stupid to anyone else?) you can only place it in the 'Will not be traded'-slot in the trade window.