American Ironhorse Service Manual
Welcome to the American IronHorse. Please read this manual in its entirety before riding your American IronHorse motorcycle. American ironhorse Slammer SZ Pdf User Manuals. View online or download American ironhorse Slammer SZ User Manual, Owner's Manual.
• D I G I T A L I N F O R M A T I O N C E N T E R Your American IronHorse motorcycle is equipped with one or more of the following indicators, all of which are located on the vehicle’s digital information center (Figure 8 ). • AmIronOwnerManual_body_06.qxp 5/22/2006 9:23 AM Page 32 D I G I T A L I N F O R M A T I O N C E N T E R The digital information center contains a tachometer, odometer, speedometer and indicator lights. The indicator lights are right-turn, left-turn, high beam, neutral and low oil pressure. • AmIronOwnerManual_body_06.qxp 5/22/2006 9:23 AM Page 33 H E A D L I G H T S W I T C H & H I G H B E A M A C T I V A T I O N / H O R N S W I T C H 2-10 All models require the key to be turned to the ON position to activate lights (Figures 1 and 1 6 ).
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Pump the clutch untill no more bubbles are coming out of the hose into the bottle. Be sure to keep the reservoir topped up while you do this. Hold the clutch down, and tighten the bleeder screw. Some hydraulic clutches do have an adjustment on the rod that goes from the slave cyllinder to the pressure plate.
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• AmIronOwnerManual_body_06.qxp 5/22/2006 9:24 AM Page 107 M A I N T E N A N C E R E C O R D S 6000 MILE 6000 MILE (9600 km) (9600 km) MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE You are authorized to perform the applicable maintenance and lubrication services. • AmIronOwnerManual_body_06.qxp 5/22/2006 9:24 AM Page 108 M A I N T E N A N C E R E C O R D S 8000 MILE 8000 MILE (12,800 km) (12,800 km) MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE You are authorized to perform the applicable maintenance and lubrication services.
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Adjust the drive belt tension to 121 ft. Otherwise the condition may persist. Refer to TIS, 2007 model year Corolla or Matrix Repair Manual: Engine Hybrid System – Engine Control – “1ZZ-FE Engine Control System: ECM: Removal” Engine Hybrid System – Engine Control – “1ZZ-FE Engine Control System: ECM: Installation” 2. Register the VIN into the replacement ECM (PCM). Refer to TIS, 2007 model year Corolla or Matrix Repair Manual: Engine Hybrid System – Engine Control – “1ZZ-FE Engine Control System: SFI System: Registration Some 2007 model year Corolla and Matrix vehicles equipped with a 1ZZ-FE engine may exhibit a “no start” condition.
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• AmIronOwnerManual_body_06.qxp 5/22/2006 9:24 AM Page 103 F I G U R E 1 6 AIR RIDE (available only on Slammer and Texas Chopper) A Ignition Switch B Toggle Switch C Bleed Valve D Schrader Valve Image of air ride controls. • AmIronOwnerManual_body_06.qxp 5/22/2006 9:24 AM Page 104 M A I N T E N A N C E R E C O R D S 500 MILE 500 MILE (800 km) (800 km) MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE You are authorized to perform the applicable maintenance and lubrication services.
• AmIronOwnerManual_body_06.qxp 5/22/2006 9:23 AM Page 70 A M E R I C A N I R O N H O R S E C O N S U M A B L E T A B L E ITEM DESCRIPTION American Alternative IronHorse #. • Washington, D.C. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the hot line. American IronHorse warrants that the exhaust system, at the time of sale, meets all applicable U.S.
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American Ironhorse Service Manual Download
Hi, Kingthomas19 you may want to lube your clutch cable and do a proper clutch adjustment and for this situation I would call my local dealer or reputable shop's service/parts department and inquire about any possible quick fix or parts inquiry. If necessary transport your vehicle to the dealer or shop and have a professional technician take it for a test drive, if it is in running condition, and give you a written estimate of repairs and answer any specific questions you may have about your issue. For more information about your issue please visit the website below. Good luck and have a nice day.